Why I R.U.N...

Some people run to lose weight, some need to work their heart muscle some run because it's the only thing they know. For me...it'a about so many things that I find it difficult to pick one. I have many friends who run or workout in another way, but I have even more who see my posts on agave boom or Twitter who ask me all the time "why do you run so much!?" My answer usually one of the following..."why not!", "because its so much cheaper than therapy", or "simply because I can!" And the thing is, you can too! Anyone can try it. You just start slow and work your way up, like I did!
Things you should know about me...
1. I have not always been a runner. I ran track in middle school but had to give it up (along with volleyball and softball) because of this terrible knee issue called Plica! No, not Pica which it's commonly mistaken for but Plica, basically an abnormal band in the knee. Normally it can be removed, sadly, mine could not...
Read more about this syndrome here http://orthopedics.about.com/cs/otherinformation1/a/plica.htm

2. When I did run track. I was a sprinter...never long distance!

3. I started trying to run/jog after having my fourth child in an effort to get my body back (as four children in 9 years on top of nursing each for 10 months...wow, it does a number on your body). While I am naturally petite, I gained 50 with each pregnancy! I was not a cute pregnant girl with just a basketball belly! :) so, I tried to pickup the habit of running roughly 4 years ago! I did not like it, so just resorted back to workout videos and actually fell in love with Beachbody products at that time. My husband and I bought P90X and loved it.

4. After doing in home workouts via DVD's for a year, I really wanted to become a runner. I had several people I knew who had picked it up later in life that loved it and I wanted to love it to. So, after my husband and I booked a trip, 3 years ago this month, to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary in Mexico, I decided to give it a go again. (For those who don't know this, I am a pretty determined individual). I wanted to not only lose weight for this, our first vacation, but I wanted to love this sport as much as everyone else did! I wanted my knees to allow me this!

I started running on a treadmill! I would get on and just run as much as I could...til failure. Trying to increase my pace or distance a little each time. Any progress was growth! Once I became comfortable enough with myself, I started to run outside. Our home at the time had a 1/2 mile road out tithe highway that way uphill and downhill and so it became my outdoor run! I'd run back and forth increasing distance each time. I always ran alone. It was my "me time!" When you have 4 kids, you need my "me time"! :)

Almost 2 years ago, a friend invited me to a race in neighboring city. I signed up for the 5k at that Spring Fling race! That's where it really began! That's when I felt I truly became a runner! It was a nasty cold, wet day! But I ran my best time ever, which surprised me because as soon as the race started, I went numb! Seriously, I was dizzy and shaking, but I ran through it! I remember watching my friend run the half marathon there that day thinking "how?" Knowing that I wanted to do that someday! That was March and I trained myself that year to run my first half marathon that Fall! I ended up with a fractured tibia late spring, putting me in a boot and on crutches for 8 weeks! I ran the half marathon 1 month after being released! It wasn't record breaking time, but it was a major accomplishment! I knew then that I'd never be ale to attempt a full marathon!
Since then, I've ran several 5ks and a few half marathons. Never first, but never last! This year, I have a few goals specifically for running, run a 5k in under 25, run a half in under 2 and to run my first full! This years extra special because now my husband is running with me! And while I usually run alone, it is so nice when he and I get time to go for a run!
This Saturday, a group of us are running a night trail run and from the looks of it, it all be cold and muddy/icy! I am doing the quarter marathon and to train today I ran at our local nature park! It wasn't a great, feel good run because I am struggling with a tight hamstrung and calf on my left leg that the hills only aggravated. But, I felt like I was alone in this beautiful place! So,
I stopped for pictures! Beautiful landscape of God's work!

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