Just a thought....

After two days with sick kids at home, two sleepless nights because of my daughter being up all throughout the night, then having a terrible storm here in Indiana last night that made us lose power 6 times (yes, I said 6, and each time I reset my alarm clock for fear of over sleeping) Wednesday was not looking like a great HUMP DAY! However, starting my day with my devotional, it got brighter! From my Busy Mom's Bible from Zondervan, my devotion reminded me that "caring for our outward appearance is not wrong as long as we remeber to focus on our inner thoughts and attitudes too". It reminded me that I need to take time preparing my heart, just like I take time preparing my physical body (showering, exercising, etc.).
 In working for a large non-profit and being the only paid staff member, my time is so constrained, but I love what I do. I had so much to do today and was pleasantly surprised by a few new contributions today, which of course brightened my day again! Nevertheless, I was happy to break from work for my weekly Rotary International meeting. If you are not familiar with Rotary, it is a service club that brings together professionals in local "clubs" for humanitarian projects and to bring
about a sense of goodwill and peace. Rotarians try to live life by the 4-way test..which is:

Of the things we think, say or do
  1. Is it the TRUTH?
  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? (http://www.rotary.org/en/AboutUs/RotaryInternational/GuidingPrinciples/Pages/ridefault.aspx)
At today's meeting we had the priviledge of having Indiana Supreme Court Justice Steve David as our guest speaker. Wow, what a delight! After hearing him today, I can confirm, he is simply a "normal guy". He said a few things that really resonated with me that I not only wanted to share, but thought this would be a great charge for individuals. First he said "don't focus on your 'to do' list, focus your energy on your 'to be' list!"  What a great thought provoking statement. We, and by we I mean me, are so focused on all of the things we have to do each day. I don't just metaphorically either, I literally make a "to do" list every day! I also find it very hard to sleep at night if I do not get everything checked off of that list. In considering this, I really do want to focus on what I AM rather than what I have TO DO!

Secondly, he quoted JFK and it was something I hadn't heard before.

How absolutely simple! It reminded me of something I've been saying during this campaign, "one small change from you can inspire a big change in our community"! So then I guess I will close with the thought of, if you focus on what you ARE and you can make a difference, shouldn't you try? I know I will....


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