Voicemail Usage

Okay, so by now you know that I am the wife of a state trooper, and that I worry all the time! So, here's the scoop. Adam started his new schedule yesterday and I was already worrying about him going to 9.5 hour days and getting even less sleep then he already does. I worry because he was already so very tired, each and every day from working 8.5 hour days, getting home late and then getting up early with the 2 kids that are still home and taking care of the during the day, only to go back to work the next night and do it all over again. :( I was trying to figure out a way to enable him to go in an hour earlier so he could get home at the same time he was already, but it just would not work out. There is a 30 minute gap between the time that I get off work and the time he would need to go in. And, in that 30 minute window, 2 of the kids need picked up at 2 different schools, so, as you can see, it just won't work out.

So, worrying about these issues set aside....after Tyler's basketball practice, I got home and realized that Adam had called while I was driving. He didn't leave a voicemail, so I returned his call and...oh dread, I get his voicemail. Which immediately alarms me, making me think that something is wrong. I knew he was headed out to the interstate on an accident and so, I think...oh no! You see, Adam rarely calls me. Usually he sends a text if he needs to contact me somehow, so for him to call, I think it's important. But, here's the frustrating thing, he does not leave a message to let me know what he needs!

So...I spend the next 2 and a half hours, calling him and texting him to see if he's okay. I get nowhere! So, my anxiety just continues to escalate. I was exhausted from not sleeping well Sunday night, and despite being so tired, I could not go to sleep because I was worried about Adam. So, finally he answers his phone and just from hearing his big voice saying "hello" I felt instant relief, because this meant he was okay. So...I find out that he was at the post the whole time doing paperwork and his phone was in the car and that's why he was not answering. And...the only reason he called earlier was to ask how Tyler's practice was! SO, all the worrying for nothing! I scolded him and ask that in the future, if he's going to call, please just leave a message so that I do not worry! Of course, he doesn't get why I was so worried! Ugh, men! So...todays lesson, if you are going to take the time to place a phone call to someone, and you allow voicemail to pick up...leave a message so they don't wonder why you called!

On another note. I have to give mad props to my parents. They are a wonderful support system to us. The kids are so close to them and they are always there when we need them, in some way or another. I am very fortunate, to be close to them physically and emotionally. I don't know what we would do with them! I hope that we can work it out that they can go on vacation with us, because they deserve it!

And...on to me now. I have been working out every single day for a month now. I've never been a diet person, because we eat pretty well anyway, but I have been really watching my diet as well. I have to say, I feel really good, but the scale does not reflect any changes....which I must admit...is discouraging. I have always said, I don't care what my weight is as long as I feel and look good, weight is just a number! But, now, I am rethinking this! After working so hard, I kind of want my weight to reflect this! So, I guess, I just need to work harder! Why is it that numbers are so important to us anyway: our bank account balance, our credit score, our weight? Isn't who we are more important than what we are? A life lesson I am still working on apparently.
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