Challenge 2!!!

Okay, I am about to do something I have not yet done! Post before and after pics from my first 90 day challenge! Yes, there are results photos everywhere! Here, here, and even here!  And yes, these are real people with real results. But I think it means more when it is someone you know! I was reluctant to post as I am in a sports bra and it is very humbling to see where I was! But, man...the road ahead looks great!
So here goes nothing....

Don't mind the mess behind me! I clearly didn't read the directions to be in front of a wall or door! :)
 Not perfect by any means but definitely progress! Cannot wait to take my #viresults photos in 74 more days! You can see the definition starting, hoping to have some lean muscles by the end of this 90 day challenge!

With my 12# loss I got my free "I LOST IT" tee from Project 10! And 30 because I uploaded my "I want it" and "I Lost It" videos, 30 shake meals were donated to a child in need! Maybe next time, I will win the $1000!
This SUNDAY, Nov 24th from 2-3pm, we are hosting in Greencastle, IN the World's Largest Challenge Party! Party all over North America! So many challenge parties going on! If you are near here and want to join us to learn more about the challenge! Check out the event here! 
Lastly, here is my "I WANT IT" video for my current challenge! Can't wait to finish up and see my new results! Loving #vilife! Want to join the challenge, just let me know! Also, consider promoting to earn $, free product or even a BMW! All while helping others get healthy! Email me with questions here:

Keep Calm and #CHALLENGE ON! :)

That's right! CHALLENGE is ON! My 2nd #BBVi challenge has officially started! This time, I am joined by my handsome husband! He has just this year joined me in my running obsession (though he doesn't have the love for it that I do!) and now we are going to CRUSH our challenge together!
We are completing this 90 day challenge to reduce body fat and build lean muscle mass. Me specifically to reduce mine by 5%! I am currently at 29% which is in the normal range, but ideal is 21%! View information about body fat here!
We are both replacing 1 meal a day with a Vi-Shape meal shake and consuming one Vi-Shape simple shake post workout! Clean eating otherwise! Changing to whole grains, low sugar intake, clean clean clean!
Clean eating is much easier than one would think! Here is a great simple 5-step guide!

Want to join the CHALLENGE with us? Go here for more information. Follow my CHALLENGE!

90 Day Challenge! RESULTS ARE IN!

Yes I was! After my chronic costal cartilage injury took me out of it for several months and gaining almost 15#! I needed HELP! A dream was to run a FULL marathon! That's right 26.2 lovely miles of road! I had already registered for the Monumental Marathon in January and after all of this, I thought there was no chance I could run half of it, let alone finish! I was crushed and desperate! Then I heard about THE CHALLENGE! Have you heard of the challenge!? HE HE! :) Best decision EVER!
I started this challenge on July 29th which put me at finishing the 90 day challenge one week prior to the marathon! See my challenge timeline here!
My goal -10# by martahon time. Short and sweet! Didn't really have any other goals! Just that! 10#, GONE! And guess, what! I lost those in 60 days!
I joined the challenge with the Shape Kit to give me 2 shakes a day. Less than $2 per serving! Do you spend more than $2 for a meal? I did, so this has saved me $! With my job, I ate out for breakfast or lunch several times a week and spent a minimum of $5 per meal, not to mention the coffee breaks that cost $3-5 each!

I started with only 1 shake a day to make sure I liked it, but quickly realized the health benefits. I felt better because of the 23 vitamins and nutrients in our shake! It gave me NATURAL energy! So, when I started adding the 2 meal replacement shake, that's when the results just came quickly! Tracking my journey on my challenge timeline, I realized how fortunate I was to find this challenge! Even with clean eating, I was still lacking nutrients at the end of the day. My digestive track was not balanced! But with Vi, it is now and this is why...
Amazing! All that in a SHAKE THAT TASTES LIKE CAKE! 
My results are in! I just finished up my 90 day challenge, and guess what! I LOST IT! I lost 12# and over 8"! And because of this, I entered my results online and I get a free I LOST IT shirt and ViCares will donate 30 shake servings to a child through Project 10 kids! How cool is that!
Not to mention, I shaved more than 1 minute off of my mile pace! I WILL BE RUNNING people! This saturday, I am running my first FULL marathon! I cannot wait, I am so excited, and this is all possible because of the 90 day BodyByVi challenge! I believe so much in this company and their product, that I am an Independent Promoter! So now, I am helping others on the challenge! If you want more information on joining or promoting the challenge, this is where you want to go! I feel great, am getting in to the best shape of my life, I am helping others do it, I have earned my product for FREE through our 3 for Free program and I am earning an income! You can do it too! Don't wait until 63 more days to make a resolution for a healthier you! I am now on my second journey and because of my results, my husband is joining me! 

DO IT NOW! Ask me how! 
 View more results here! Contact me at if you have questions about the CHALLENGE!

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Water with lemon please!

Just a short post about an aggregation I've recently had! I'm hoping that once school starts again I can get into a regular blog schedule or reviews, recipes, tutorials eye, but now, I'm trying to enjoy any symbolism so summer I have with my children!
Recently, I have noticed when I eat at a restaurant and I order water with lemon as my choice beverage that the servers seem to be aggregated. As though I am ordering this because I am cheap?! Okay, I am thrifty and I know it! But I actually prefer water...and lots of it! And yes, I like lemon because it, as a citrus fruit, has immense antioxidants that aid in immune health, and it adds flavor to restaurant tap water that I find otherwise, often, terrible! 
I am a very active female who is on the go all of the time. I ALWAYS have a thing of water with me. I have had a fetish with finding the perfect reusable water bottle! Lol! I've tried them all! Even paid a small fortune for some, no names, with a straw! ;) I used to only use cups itch straws, but have found a new cup I adore and it's pretty reasonably priced! I got it at Wal-Mart in the camping section for around $8! It's BPA free and the long time maker of Stanley! We actually have a few of these! I promise they won't leak and you can open the lid to "sip" or larger to "gulp" when you really a need to quench your thirst!
Mostly, I am done with tHis rant about servers who scoff at my choice beverage that I happily would pay for! On a side note, my family of 6 all choose water when we dine out and with the average cost of a soda being $2, we save roughly $300+ easily by this healthy substitute! 
Lastly, I leave you with this article that talks about the benefits of water with lemon.

Skylander Birthday party for my little 5 year old fan!

I don't know about you, by I had no clue what Skylanders were until my 5 year old discovered the game at a friends house a few months ago. Since then, he has been obsessed and has asked for them for his birthday every day since!
 He originally wanted a Star Wars themed party but after seeing his clear obsession, I opted for Skylander instead, which, at first, became a challenge as this is not quite as popular! So, when the party store have nothing with your theme, you become creative and I am fortunate that many others have done the same and Google was my new best friend!

 So, here is what we did! He loves the chompies and so we centered around the color green. There are 8 elements of: undead, water, air, fire, magic, earth, tech, and life. We created at least one game for each element.

For water we had a good ole water balloon toss!

For undead we had cut out sharks out of water! Guests had to use a straw to suck the shark to
 and race to a finish line and back to water to restore life!
For earth they also were able to crack open homemade dirt rocks to reveal a crystal! (I found this recipe on Pinterest).
Also for air guest got a balloon raced to the chair to pop!
As a side game we had pin the tail on Spyro. My 13 year old son drew him on a poster free hand! :)
Fire was blowing out the candles!

Also for earth we had a scavenger hunt where we had guests find a stick, leaves, and a rock or pebble.
Games without pictures: we allowed for guests to plant flowers in tiny pots for life.
For tech we had 6 gold cans that we stack 3-2-1 and guests had a squirt gun to knock them down.
For magic we  had a shark (Terrafin) pinata with candy and prizes in! (Remember Griffin is only 5!)

For food we had a combination of things: not pictured are level up lemonade (which was gingerade punch) power up pizza and chompies truffles (oreo truffles)
Griffins fav are my chocolate cupcakes and that's what he got

We dipped pretzels in green candy melts sprinkled with green sugar for prism break pretzels.

We had watermelon slices for wrecking ball watermelon.

Super tasty golden gear pineapple!

No party is complete with out stomp smash fruits and veggies!
Lastly were the favors which guests had Skylander Giants coloring pages, the prizes from the pinata and these gumball favors with thank you notes.
Of course most of the presents were also Skylander as well so our Griffin had a GREAT day!
On to planning the next party...a Fashion Swap wine tasting with all my fav gals! :)



Italian turkey meatball hoagies

So, in going through the end of the stack or recipes in my menu board, I was ready to add some new recipes and I decided on baked meatball hoagies, and this is what I did....
To make the Italian meatballs, I chose ground turkey. For us, we have really been substituting turkey for almost all red meat and pork. It is so much more lean and higher in protein plus has much less fat content. And truly doesn't really change the flavor. So here's what I did for meatballs:

2 pounds ground turkey
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
3/4 cup dry bread crumbs (mine were Italian blend)
1/3 cup fresh parsley (or 2-3 T dried)
3-4 T fresh oregano (1 T dried)
2 teaspoon fresh rosemary (same dried)
1teaspoon dry mustard(1 T prepared mustard can substitute)
1/3 cup pizza sauce (you can substitute tomato sauce, ketchup or marinara)
Healthy pinch of salt
4 garlic cloves (3-4 t of minced garlic can be used)

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and form tablespoon size meatballs. I used my Pampered Chef medium scoop to make them so they are all roughly the same size and cook equally. This recipe makes about 40 meatballs. I put a cookie sheet on my baking sheet to keep the meatballs off of the excess fluid. Bake at 400 for 15 minutes or until interior is no longer pink.
Then I took a package of 6 hoagies (sad because we prefer whole grain but we couldn't find any whole grain), put 4 ,eat balls in each hoagie, then I took half a jar of traditional spaghetti sauce and half a jar or pizza sauce and mixed them together. I topped the meatballs on the hoagies with the blended sauce and then took a block of mozzarella cheese and shredded atop of each hoagie. Lastly I sprinkled with Parmesan. Bake at 400 until the cheese is bubbly.
We serve with a side salad and as long as you don't put too much sauce, you can eat like sandwich. Everyone loved them, very kid friendly. Aside from the white hoagies, it's a very healthy meal as well.

Just a thought....

After two days with sick kids at home, two sleepless nights because of my daughter being up all throughout the night, then having a terrible storm here in Indiana last night that made us lose power 6 times (yes, I said 6, and each time I reset my alarm clock for fear of over sleeping) Wednesday was not looking like a great HUMP DAY! However, starting my day with my devotional, it got brighter! From my Busy Mom's Bible from Zondervan, my devotion reminded me that "caring for our outward appearance is not wrong as long as we remeber to focus on our inner thoughts and attitudes too". It reminded me that I need to take time preparing my heart, just like I take time preparing my physical body (showering, exercising, etc.).
 In working for a large non-profit and being the only paid staff member, my time is so constrained, but I love what I do. I had so much to do today and was pleasantly surprised by a few new contributions today, which of course brightened my day again! Nevertheless, I was happy to break from work for my weekly Rotary International meeting. If you are not familiar with Rotary, it is a service club that brings together professionals in local "clubs" for humanitarian projects and to bring
about a sense of goodwill and peace. Rotarians try to live life by the 4-way test..which is:

Of the things we think, say or do
  1. Is it the TRUTH?
  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? (
At today's meeting we had the priviledge of having Indiana Supreme Court Justice Steve David as our guest speaker. Wow, what a delight! After hearing him today, I can confirm, he is simply a "normal guy". He said a few things that really resonated with me that I not only wanted to share, but thought this would be a great charge for individuals. First he said "don't focus on your 'to do' list, focus your energy on your 'to be' list!"  What a great thought provoking statement. We, and by we I mean me, are so focused on all of the things we have to do each day. I don't just metaphorically either, I literally make a "to do" list every day! I also find it very hard to sleep at night if I do not get everything checked off of that list. In considering this, I really do want to focus on what I AM rather than what I have TO DO!

Secondly, he quoted JFK and it was something I hadn't heard before.

How absolutely simple! It reminded me of something I've been saying during this campaign, "one small change from you can inspire a big change in our community"! So then I guess I will close with the thought of, if you focus on what you ARE and you can make a difference, shouldn't you try? I know I will....