“Today is the first day of the rest of your life.” –Anonymous

Change is good….right…or is it?
To fully understand change, I find it necessary to define it. According to the good ole Merriam Webster handbook here are some of the definitions surrounding change:

• to make different in some particular, alter

• to make radically different, transform

• to give a different position, course or direction to

• to replace with another

• to make a shift from one to another, switch

I now feel the need to add this link so as not to suffer any plagiarism issues! We must always give credit where it is due! LOL (the student in me I suppose!).

With every new year, we talk about change. We discuss what we desire the new year to bring and make resolutions about how to change ourselves, our situations, our lives. We spend some time pondering what will happen if we succeed with our goals for this change. Then, nevertheless, we usually stray from the path we set forth and forget about the change we so desired initially and move on to something else. But, if we truly want to change, why do we so easily give up?

Change is ever present in our daily lives. For all of us. Minor changes that you may not even realize. The larger things are more notable, we change our hair, our fashion, our posture, our diet, our exercise, our homes, jobs, faith, relationships….heck, I rearrange my furniture often just to change it up a bit!

Often, when change is forced upon us, we do not like it. We resist it, even resent it, not seeing the benefits that may come later. As a Christian, I know that change is something we will always encounter and I know it’s something the He sends our way in life’s lesson that also enables us to grow through our experiences….my mind knows that, but sometimes, my heart does not follow and change is painful….initially anyway. Then I look back later and have that “aha” moment where I know why it happened!

I also know that God does not change…ever! He is the only constant.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8 NIV
As we start 2012, after a pretty eventful ending to 2011, I reflect on the changes we experienced this past year and I anticipate the changes that are to come this year.

We have had many changes in our family including health issues, job related changes, educational changes, emotional changes with the kids getting older and having new “issues”, changes in our friendships (you win some you lose some), changes in our church home, etc. As we were enduring some of these changes that I would consider to be hard, we could not see the bigger picture because our eyes were not fully opened. Now they are and we see the whole spectrum and hopefully have learned to approach change with open eyes in the future. Sometimes I wish that we had a guidebook or map that just said “this way”!

Adam and I are constantly faced with change and while it does seem difficult, I have to admit, all the change we have endured has brought us to a place where we seem to be the best we have ever been. Physically, emotionally, spiritually, personally (not professionally, but that’s a story for another day and something I hope changes very soon and if I had to guess, I’d say it’s in the upcoming forecast!). So I guess that is just proof that change is good! Winston Churchill said “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often”.

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