Oh my MERINGUE!:::

So...this weekend I made meringue twice. Once to put in a wonderful white cake recipe for cupcakes I made for a birthday party and once for peppermint meringue ganache filled cookies. The first batch was perfect! The second not so much....so, I will share all the tips I've come to know in my time of baking! ENJOY!

found recipe at marthastewart.com

I found this recipe online and thought they would be not only adorable, but practical! Mint helps aid in digestion right!? Well, I found the recipe here and thought it would be an inexpensive treat. So, in following the recipe to a "T", the first batch would not peak! UGH! Wouldn't even get to a somewhat piping consistency! Knowing how temper mental meringue is, I through it out and started over. Take 2....a little better, but still no peaks. I piped anyway into discs and baked at 175 for the 1 hour 40 minutes suggested time, but then turned oven off and left the discs in the oven overnight. The next morning, I made my ganache and filled. The end result:
Not as pretty, but tasted fine!? So...here is my advice, though...be prepared, these tips still will not guarantee you perfect meringue:
  • Always use room temperature egg whites. While you can separate the egg and yolk while cold, do not start the beating process until the whites are room temp.
  • Never use a plastic bowl to beat the egg whites in (plastic can hold not only scents/tastes, but also oils that will be absorbed by egg whites making meringue impossible)! Metal is ideal but glass will usually work as well. Some even recommend warming the bowl before beating the egg whites by running under warm water (but make sure to dry, you do not want ANY droplets of water to ruin the process!)
  • If, while separating, you get even the smallest speck of yolk in the whites, START OVER! This is also where I will recommend that you separate each egg individually. So if on your 3rd egg, while separating you break the yolk, you don't ruin the other whites in the bowl! (yeah...I've learned the hard way on that one!).
  • Beat eggs until foamy, then ever so slowly add the sugar. If you add it all at once or too quickly, the process will not end as you hope! Ever so gently add the sugar (this is where a stand mixer is so helpful!) Seriously, add 1 teaspoon at a time! It really does help!
  • As for meringue cookies, always add the flavoring after the peaks have forms and beat just long enough to distribute flavoring.
  • And, leave cookies in oven after they are done baking and the oven has been turned off. This allows them to completely dry out (which is what you want in a meringue cookie!).
So, that's it for now! Maybe next time...they will be pretty! :) Happy baking!
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Savannah's 9th Birthday

Each year I struggle with ways to keep Savannah's birthday separate from Christmas as her birthday is Dec. 12th. This year we had a Winter Wonderland Party and found some great ideas online. To go with the theme, we chose white with a bit of blue for the color scheme and ran with it. Savannah apparently told her friends that they should wear these colors to the party! (Goodness...she is her mother's daughter forever coordinating!) I made these snowflake invites:

I forgot to rotate the pic! SORRY!

Next I planned the craft which was this sock penguin that the girls really enjoyed and it also doubled as a party favor!

We decorated the table with white and blue. I made a glittered "tree" like center piece out of foam balls that would be sufficient to hold the cake pops. As the party was in the evening, we turned the lights down and had snowflake votives. Hung snowflake ornaments from the chandelier. Made snowflake cutouts that we put everywhere.

Along with their penguins, we had favor bags that included a snowflake ornament, a blue lollipop, a fingernail polish (blue, white or silver) and a large white chocolate snowflake. I had also made favors with TP rolsl filled with candy, then wrapped with blue tissue paper and tied the ends with white ribbon so they looked like a piece of candy (look close and you'll see them on the table). Then on to the menu!
  • White pizza
  • Cauliflower with ranch
  • White corn tortillas with white queso
  • White popcorn balls
  • White cake pops
  • White chocolate covered snowflake pretzels
  • White chocolate melting snowmen
  • White chocolate hot cocoa
  • and White almond cupcakes with White/blue swirled icing topped with white chocolate snowflakes!
All the planning for 2 hours of special time for a special girl. Wish I had thought to include a picture of her when she was born into the blog. But this will have to do...

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Want to know what I was up to the last two days? This!
A day (or two) of fashion anyone! Well, I just had my fill! I received a call from my hairstylist last week wondering if I could help her team out! They were looking for someone to do makeup for the Procter&Gamble team at the Fall 2011 Fashion Focus show in Indy at the Convention Center. My first response was "are you crazy!" But after thinking about it (and getting Monday off from DPU from my awesome boss's!) I thought..."why the heck not!" Opportunities like this don't come around often so I said "let's do it!". :) And then....the nerves set in! >8-(

For those of you who know me, know just how much I love hair, makeup and fashion! So, going to this was going to be 2 full days in makeup and hair paradise (even if it meant waking up at 3:30am and driving through terrible construction traffic!). So, I loaded up my suitcase (yes, a full suitcase!) of makeup and went! I met some great people, got some great products (a free Nioxin scalp therapy treatment on stage!) and had an all around wonderful experience. I got to do some great makeup that I wouldn't usually have the opportunity to do (not your everyday looks, thanks to Omar Antonio from Sebastian for wanting some crazy looks!). If I could make a living at it, I would totally do this full time! Maybe I should quit the business school and go to beauty school! LOL! I would save a ton of money from paying for haircuts for a family of 6!

There was a photographer there for the first day and I can't wait to see some of the pictures.

That's it for now, just wanted to share a bit about my experience!
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According to dictionary.com overwhelmed is "to overcome completely in mind or feeling". I think we have all felt this way at some point. Some of us feel this all too often! With work, school, kids, and all those mundane tasks like paying bills, cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping and personal hygiene (LOL! totally kidding!) our daily lives and busy schedules often make us feel overwhelmed.
For those of you that know me, I stay pretty busy and I am constantly asked how I keep up with everything: 4 kids, a husband with a crazy schedule, 3 children are in extra-curricular activities, I'm in school, I work at DPU and as a Realtor®, we try to stay active in church and try very hard to make good, healthy choices for my family while shopping for bargains and still have special moments in between to spend with my family! >8-( Yes, it's a lot, but it's what I know. I don't know what I'll do with myself when our lives slow down!
Personally, I think it's normal to feel overwhelmed, but it's what we do with ourselves when we are feeling this way that matters. I think we need to examine what is causing this feeling at the time and really find solutions to relief. We each have our own personal struggles and what triggers the feeling of being overwhelmed.
For me it's usually organization and planning: I want everything to be neat and organized because I feel this is the best way to be more efficient. I want to know and plan everything in advance and have a plan B in place so I don't have to stress out when something goes wrong. I'm a list maker and really find pleasure in checking things off!
For my husband I'd say he gets overwhelmed with his job (and who wouldn't as a police officer). I cannot imagine what his daily life is like on duty. Right now, as a result of the stress, he has Postherpetic Neuralgia (say that 3 times fast!) from shingles he had over a month ago! Poor guy.
For Tyler, I think he gets overwhelmed with the whole pre-teen school life and drama. He wants to do well in school, in sports and have a good group of friends and right now, everyone is changing. He has not yet hit his growth spurt like others have and he is super worried about his size.
For Savannah, right now, she is struggling with a few things academically and it really overwhelms her. She literally cried for an hour the other day! Broke my heart. She's always done really great in school and to now be challenged, she feels that others may think she is "stupid" and judge her and make fun of her! This is 3rd grade...really!?
Oh Addison, is probably my least overwhelmed of them all, she is so care free. Maybe its because she's only 5 so she just hasn't come in to that phase of life yet. If only we could freeze time and make everyone feel this way again!
And Griffin. My little man is still quite overwhelmed with our schedules. Daddy went to days, then mommy went back to work after having the summer at home and all his siblings went to school and that leaves him alone with mawmaw (who he adores, but still gets lonely I think). After almost 2 months, he still asks me daily not to go to work (which is heart wrenching!).
So...what overwhelms you? Time, work, school, kids, money? I think as long as we try to remember that we don't have to "keep up with the Jones'" we'll be just fine.
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." ~Romans 12:2
Until next time. 
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Okay, so you probably thought I was talking NFL (I do love some Colts football, but this season will not be the same without Peyton)! This time, I'm talking about good ole youth sports. Particularly GMS 7th grader football, because, they happen to have on their roster, one of my all time favorite players, Tyler Edwards :)
The season started out a bit rough, but I really believe it's because we lost some practice time waiting on the hire of a new coach and that we just needed time to really practice on working together. You see, I've been waiting for this year for a while! Tyler has played youth football since he was able to and he has played on multiple teams with different, new team mates and coaches each year. So, I've been waiting for the time when they all got the opportunity to play together, as one team because we have some real talent that has always been split up between youth teams. Now, all of our boys are all on one team and can unite together as one and really embrace each others talents.
Tyler has had some issues with confidence and as I parent I have struggled with how to build his confidence without making him arrogant. It's nearly impossible to force you child to be more confident (trust me, I've tried) and then you just feel helpless. Tyler is a good athlete, he's very humble and a great team player. He does exactly as he is asked and will play just about any position, he just never seems to be confident, which to me, makes it seem like he goes in already defeated. He a past experience with a a coach where his spirit was completely broken and that's when this all began. It's been so frustrating for me.
I've talked with other parents and coaches and everyone said to just give him time and wait for a moment. Not just any moment, but a rare moment that something happens and his spirit and confidence will be regained. I've been patiently waiting, and pray that this season is it.
Last night our team played a tough game and held off their opponents until the ladder half of the 4th quarter. Then the game got really great! Our boys really turned it on and I was super proud of all of them. Tyler had a few great defensive plays and even an interception. Then his best friend ran for a really long touchdown. All in all, all of our boys in purple looked great! The whole vibe on the sidelines had changed and the boys were so excited. I waited after the game for Tyler to tell him how proud I was of him and the rest of the team. When he finally came out of the locker room, his smile said it all and deep down I thought "this is it, this is the moment!" And of course, it made me smile! I hope that this is the case, but if not, I'll gladly take any suggestions on how to build his spirit and confidence!

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To blog or not to blog!?

Okay, so again it's been awhile. Yes, I admit that I too get so caught up in life that I often forget that I started this blog as a purposeful way to document our lives. Because, once you post, it's there forever! And, often, it feels real when I finally post about something.
I've recently returned to work and deeply and truly miss being home with my children. After such an amazing summer with them, going back was hard. Especially as I was off from school for the ladder part of the summer and they had my undivided attention. Griffin has struggled the most with my return and often reminds me that he doesn't want me to go to work because he misses me too much. For any parent out there that has heard these words, you know how killer it is. Breaks my heart! EVERY TIME! :(
Sadly, we live in a 2-income world. It's almost impossible to raise a family (especially a family of 6) on one income solely (especially when one is a public servant!). Real Estate isn't what it has been in the past and who knows when it will come back. I start my bachelor degree in less than 2weeks and we now have 3 kids in school, sports and activities. Of course, it also doesn't help that I don't feel fulfilled at my full time position either. I'm sure there are others who've encountered this and I wonder how you deal with this? It's something that is constantly nagging at me.
I've always been a thrifty shopper and we do not have any real luxuries that we could cut back on, but I still secretly hope that something will happen and I will be able to come back to being a SAHM. By the time I finish school myself, Griffin will be going in to school and it would be just perfect timing.
I've been a coupon clipper for a while, but have become interest's in extreme savings. I want to know how to save 50% on my grocery bill by couponing, price matching, buying in bulk etc. I want to be wiser with my meal planning and potentially get in to cooking one day a week and freezing all my meals. I want to make my own cleaning products and be super efficient with our energy usage. All the things that could not only save us money, but make our household better for all of us.
I know, a bit boring...but I also just started reading a book called The Digital Mom Handbook. About 2 women who started blogging just for a release from being SAHM's and now have fully sustainable careers AT HOME! Now, I know that the chances of this happening for someone else, as it did for them, are slim to none, (especially with all the blogger, vloggers, etc. out there already), but it got me thinking. I need to really know what my passion is. I found this difficult when returning to school and picking a field. There are so many things that interest me. Of course, I love being a mom and doing anything and everything for my 4 children that I've been blessed with. I love fashion, makeup and hair, I love to read, love to write (I truly feel like I could write about anything if you just gave me a topic), I love to cook and bake, I love to be a bit crafty, I love to find great deals, and try the next BIG thing, I love organization (yeah, totally TYPE A here) and neat ways to decorate. I love running, working out and trying to be the healthiest version of me I can be. I would love to know more about photography. I love real estate and helping people live the American Dream of home ownership (I hope one day to make some great investments to help supplement our income)! I love Christ and love sharing His word and learning about Him. I love to listen and help people with their troubles and people often seek out my ear (which I love). I feel at the age of 32, I've had so many experiences that I almost feel really old.
So, in writing all this, it's still not clear to me, what my one true passion is. How do I take this list and narrow it down to just one thing?! So, that's my thoughts for now.
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Prayers for safety. Prayers for healing. Prayers for justice.

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

As I start this blog, there are sirens running down 231. I say a quick prayer that God keeps the emergency service workers safe and that wherever they are running, there is a better outcome than what took place on Monday afternoon in Terre Haute. Then my thoughts run to the family and friends of Officer Brent Long in Terre Haute. Such a terrible situation and my heart aches for his wife and children.
It's times like this that I really want to thank all of the police officers, along with all other EMS workers (military, fire, etc.) as we often forget how much they really do put on the line. Right after this terrible event on Monday, there was a storm of status changes of Facebook, talking about how he got up and went to work without knowing what would happen. I wish I could find and copy it to this blog, but I cannot. It was sad and humbling to see so many people acknowledge what Officer Long did that day, along with his K9 Shadow and the other officers present. I just read in an article that Long's wife is a dispatcher, and was working when this situation occured and cannot imagine what she endured on Monday. While I do not know her name, I continue to lift her up in prayer daily.
With Adam being a state trooper, things like this hit close to home. Many, many people in our area feel as though police work is easy because we do not have truly dangerous crime here. That, especially in the Midwest, police work is easy because it's basically traffic work. Well clearly that is not the case. To those who feel this way, don't assume anything, espeically that you know what our police men and women encounter or what their job is like. Like the old adage "until you've walked a mile in their shoes" you know the rest!
We need to all remember that we are not guaranteed that anything "is as it seems" and that life is never "easy", especially for police officers. These police officers, all police officers, put themselves in situations of the unknown willingly, on a daily basis, to help serve and protect all of us. Can you imagine what they have to do to mentally prepare themselves for going to work everyday? To go to work not knowing what the day holds? To prepare themselves for all of the "what if's" they may encounter in that shift? I, for one, cannot. I cannot imagine. I don't want to imagine. I just want to say thanks. Thank you to all of you!
Many of you saw Adam on the news Monday night and called, text, messaged a word of prayer that he was safe (to clarify, he was not one of the original officers there). I want to say thanks to all you. Thank you to all who pray for his safety continually. Adam is just one of many, please pray for them all. Please pray for the Long family and for the Terre Haute P.D. in their time of mourning.

God bless my family when I am away,

Leave the lights on I'll return from harms way,

Grant me courage and strength to protect others each day,

So they live in peace without worry, fear or dismay,

Bless those who have fallen given their life for another

May their spirit live on from then and forever,

Return me home to my family at the end of each night,

May I pass through the door before the morning's first light,

Shall I give my life for another before the dawn breaks today,

God bless my family when I am away.

By D. Adams

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Vacation! Much needed!

As you all know, we are really, super busy and run ourselves ragged most of the time. With our opposite schedules and busy-ness, we rarely have time to just relax and enjoy our family. We were so excited to finally take our first, real family vacation last month. We had a connection to rent a home in Cape Coral, Florida and were able to go down for a week and a half and just relax, enjoy our family and rejuvenate.  We were even blessed that my wonderful parents were able to come along with us. It was not full of running 24/7, but more relaxing by the pool or on the beach. :) Although, I did have to do homework while there, because it was my last 2 weeks of school before finishing my Associates Degree (which I did graduate, and with a 3.94! Very excited to start the Bachelor program this fall!).
Anyway, it was nice to be in a house while there because it was like our home, away from home. We hardly ate out and we had a pool there and were able to do laundry! Yes, we packed half as much because we had this feature and that what wonderful. Not to mention, we didn't come home with a bunch of dirty laundry either!
We spent some time in Ft. Myers and had an amazing day at Sanibel Island. The weather was absolutely perfect!
Yes, this is a picture I took of one of the many sunset we watched while walking the beach at night shelling! The kids all became quite the water bugs and Savannah even learned to swim better above water thanks to her pawpaw! Though, by day 3 she had a bad outer ear infection that sent us to the Urgent Care for meds, and it but a damper on things as she couldn't swim for 2 whole days and then had to use both ear plugs and a swim cap, she still enjoyed her time there!
Tyler, who is the only one who said he would not move to Florida, missed his baseball tournament this year because of vacation, but didn't complain. He was a little sad to miss his best friends birthday, but found the perfect gift. Just had to know how his team was doing and was thankful for the updates from everyone. Turning 12 days before we left, about killed me because he's turning into quite the young man, and I'm proud to say he's mine!

We did go out to an aquarium one day and saw alot of neat creatures there. We mini golfed on the hottest day we were there (then when home for a nice, cool swim!). We had the best ice cream in waffle cones one night while strolling the boardwalk and beach. We really enjoyed ourselves and were blessed with a fabulous trip. Even the 20 hour drive there and back wasn't too bad! The nature lover in Adam, had a blast shelling and finding all of the live sea creatures on the beaches.

Adam, who needed the vaca more than anyone, even let loose enough to let the kids bury him in the sand at Sanibel, which, for anyone who knows him, knows that is a big step for him!
Our little tree climbing monkeys did well, especially being away from home for so long. There were even quiet moments that they proved they loved each other! :) Made my heart smile!

This is one of my favorite pictures of Addison! Her eyes are just amazing! And rarely do we get a good smile from her in pictures! She looks so big in this picture! And, Savannah was totally jealous that her baby sister had such a great tan! LOL!

I know vacations happen all of the time and are no big deal to most, but for us, it was a special time. We are so thankful to have had the opportunity to DO NOTHING, for a while at least. So thankful that we had a good, safe time together as a family. And even more thankful that my parents joined us, especially since they just celebrated their 25th Anniversary. On a side note, I was so proud of my mother for really challenging herself against her fear of water. She became quite a waterbug too! We had some great conversations sitting on the back deck at night with my parents after the kids were in bed. Great laughs too!
Griffin, though only 3, was wonderful around water. He never even remotely ventured in without Adam or I and had a great time in our pool because it had this little ledge that he was able to use as his own little baby pool.

Here's a great pic of all the guys on the boardwalk in Ft. Myers.
Cannot wait to go back. Cannot wait to go with the WHOLE family! Though, we'd def need a bigger place.

Oh, and once we returned, Adam went to dayshift for the first time in 12 years which has been another answered prayer. It's making a huge difference in our lives.

That's our story for vacation this year. Hope you all have wonderful times as well. I hope to get to go back to Mexico next year! Happy summer everyone, take time to enjoy the little things!

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Cliche's, quotes, verses and sayings...some of my favorites.

We've all heard a thousand cliche's. We've all said some at one time or another. We've all been given unsolicited advice including them at some point in our lives, so today, I list some of my all time favorite cliche's, quotes, verses or sayings.

  • Can't never DID anything!
  • The grass is ALWAYS greener on the other side! (I just saw on a friends Facebook this "If you think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence... Fertilize your own yard, because the poop stinks over there too, you just haven't smelled it yet"! LOL!)
  • Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me! (Untrue, words do hurt!)
  • The Golden Rule "And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise"~Luke 6:31
  • A HALF truth is a WHOLE lie.
  • Don't put off until tomorrow what you can get done today.
  • A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link! (I've had many coaches use this one!)
  • People in glass houses should not throw stones (We all have faults.)
  • Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black.
  • Whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger!
  • If at first you don't succeed, try, try again!
  • This too shall pass!
  • Life is not about waiting on the storm to pass, but about learning to dance in the rain! (I'm part Indian, so I not only dance in the rain, but dance FOR the rain! ...totally kidding!!!)
  • "Either how canst thou say to thy brother, Brother, let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye, when thou thyself beholdest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in thy brother's eye"~Luke 6:42
  • Pain is weakness leaving the body.
  • Friendships may come and go, but family remains.
  • To everything there is a season. (While sometimes all the leaves are brown and all the skies are grey...soon, the sun will be shining!)
  • My all time favorite is from my very wise grandmother who always said "believe half of what you see and none of what you hear!"
Now on to other things. Today is my Friday as tomorrow I have the day off to: 1. See the orthopedic surgeon regarding my stupid legs that don't want to cooperate and 2. Spend the day with my husband to celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary. I'm very fortunate to have such as person as my partner.
Additionally, tomorrow is my nephews birthday! Happy birthday Matthew!


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Griffin's 3rd Birthday!

Well, we did it! We made it through yet another birthday party! Our little man turned 3 on Monday, April 11th and we had his Wild West Birthday party on Sunday celebrating with friends and family. Anyone that knows me knows that I love to plan a great party. I tried this time to pull it all together, working around the weather and to our surprise, it didn't rain at all!
So, here's the low down on the party. We send Wild West themed invites from evite.com(love that site!), planned a menu with hotdogs, ham and beans, cornbread, cole slaw, rootbeer, a Roy Rogers punch and of course, cake. I did a 3tier (3flavor) cake with cow print, blue jean, bandana print and made a boot of of gumpaste. This was my first experience with fondant and actually enjoyed it. Made 2 batches of marshmellow fondant as well as some modeling chocolate. It wasn't perfect but it was not too bad and tasted way better than regular fondant. Next time I'm gonna try adding some flavoring...vanilla or almond I think. Here's the finished product:
Then we had straw cowboy hats for all the kids attending. We had favors bags that included, sheriff's badges, bandanas, root beer candies, western pencils that said "Happy 3rd Birthday Griffin", toy horses, tops, yo-yo's that were all western themed. Then we also had real horseshoes as balloon weights and each kid got one of those too. We had straw bales outside and then played corn hole, needle in a hay stack and a stick horse relay for prizes.
All in all, I think it was a good time. The weather ended up beautifully and I'm glad everyone was able to come celebrate our little man's birthday! He was exhausted (and I have to add, so was I!)
Can't wait for the next party to plan....I have something in mind...but it's a bit of a secret! Oh, I realized it's my dad's 50th in November and of course, you can expect a bash! He won't be reading this so I know it's safe to post!
Oh, Tyler's birthday is in June and he want's a Hawaiin Luau! Can't wait...think a roasted pig is in the works!
On a side note, I'm running in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure this Saturday in Indianapolis and am still looking for sponsors to help raise money for breast cancer research. It's super easy and again, anything you can give will help. You can donate online with just a few clicks and as this is a non-profit it's tax deductible. http://rfci.convio.net/site/TRC/Race/General?pg=peditor&fr_id=1090&px=1885660

Happy Hump Day everyone!
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Okay, all (not that there are many of you following this) but, after talking about blogging today, I realized it'd been a good long while since I last blogged, so here I sit. After a month of leaving no updates for you, I decided.......it may be time for a new post! So, ready...set...blog!
We have not had a whole lot happen since my last moment of blab, but we are still, and always, super busy. Tyler has decided to run track. So, he's a sprinter (like his momma) and a long jumper (must get that from his dad!) He loves it, but still doesn't really have confidence. Still not sure how to restore that in an 11 year old after it's lost, so if you have any insights, please share. His first meet is thursday and I am both excited and nervous for him. Baseball season officially kicks off this week! So we will have nightly track practice or meets, plus 2 weeknight baseball practices, followed by Wednesday games (this is just Tyler's sporting events!)
Then Savannah decided to play fastpitch this year. After considering how last year went in softball and talking to several parents and coaches, she has her first fastpitch practice tomorrow. Not sure how many practices or when games are, but she has a great coach and I think she will be just fine. Oh, and she will move up to Red Squad at On the Flip Side next month after her last performance as a Mini at the Relay for Life. One of her best friends moved away last weekend and she was devastated. Even though she has other friends, it's hard to tell an 8 year old that it will be okay when a bestie moves away. She has shed so many tears. :(
Addison will continue on the Mini cheer squad and has shown so much improvement in the last 6 months. We only have a few more months until my baby girl will be in kindergarten! So hard to believe. She is so smart, yet so stubborn (yet another quality instilled from daddy :)...lol).
Griffin, my oh my, where do I start! My baby will be 3 years old in 6 days. I'm just in denial. He's a very determined little boy, and yes, I will own up to that trait. He surprised me with potty training much earlier, and much easier than his big brother and now, yes, this may be TMI, it kills me that he insists on standing up while peeing. It is just a milestone that makes him seem so much older and bigger. But, we are super excited to celebrate his birthday on Sunday. I am attempted something new with the cake and I hope it works out well! If not, I won't tell you b/c I never admit failure! LOL!
I have 2 months left for my ASB and then start in to my Bachelor Degree, though I'm still debating which area. But, we have just confirmed family vacation plans and we are so ready to go right now. Even more excited that my parents, who are so deserving of a nice vacation, are going with us.
Adam's new schedule makes his job even more trying than it was, but we still hold hope for a change in the future. There is potential, so with patience and prayer...you know the saying "good things come to those who wait"...well, let's just say we are still waiting.
I'm running in my second race next weekend. The Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure and I hope to raise some money for research funding for breast cancer. I have a friend right now suffering from this awful disease and I have to admit, I wonder often why such bad things happen to such good people. Especially when really great things happen to some that are less deserving. I would love to say that I don't question God on this matter, but I would be lying. But I question God because I know that He is all knowing and that one day, He will answer me. It may not me now, but one day He will. So, I ask and wait for Him to answer.
Okay, that's my babble for now. Hope this finds you all doing well and that I maybe made you smile for a brief moment or even provoked a good thought.
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Ready to RUN!!!!

Okay so! I completed my first race! Very exciting I know. While I have been a pretty healthy and athletic female all of my life, I have never been a long distance runner. Not to mention I have bad knees and have been advised to take it easy when it comes to running (as you can see, I do not follow instruction very well)! But, I honestly love a good jog, and I do know my limits. I love to plug in my Ipod and just jam to a good beat and mindlessly jog on a daily basis. Running honestly makes me feel better! On the days that I don't get to run, I feel like a total slob! So, for the last 3 months I have jogged 2 miles a day on my treadmill. That's not a lot, but that's all I have time for in the evenings.
Then I was invited to a race by a Facebook friend and I signed up for a 5k. The Spring Fling in Plainfield this past Saturday. I had no expectations that I would finish near the top of women in my age class or anything but was happy with the results. I ran my fastest time so far at 29 minutes flat. I thought it was 29.10 as that was what the clock said, but apparently it took me 10 seconds to get over the start line at the beginning of the race! LOL! So, never having jogged that far before and certainly not in those circumstances, I was thrilled with my results.
I made new friends and had such a wonderful time even though the weather was cold, windy and wet! I now see how people get addicted to these things! I came home and signed up for my next race! My goal is to run a 15k this summer and then hopefully a half marathon in Chicago in August! We'll see if my knees can handle it!
So now, on to my next race! The Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in Indy next month. Cancer research is so important and doing anything to help raise awareness is so helpful! I honestly do not think I know anyone who has not been affected by this terrible disease. I am running for all those I know, or have known who have battled this disease. I've known some who've lost their battle: my cousin Adam, both of my grandfathers and a few friends. I know some who were successful in their fight and I know someone right now who is fighting hard against this disease.
I agree it's time that we Stand Up to Cancer and do all that we can to help! So, if you are reading this and can give even $1, that can help. Something is always better than nothing. Give for the loved ones in your life that have been affected!
You can make an easy, online and tax exempt donation here: http://race.komenindy.org/site/TRC/Race/General?pg=peditor&fr_id=1090&px=1885660
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Okay, so first I want to say that I am changing my template to a SPRING one in the hopes to bring on the warmer weather. Normally I do not complain about the winter, but this year, I am so ready to be done with the cold and ready to move on to brighter days!
Okay, on to sharing recipes. I had posted on Facebook on Sunday that we were having crockpot lasagna and that I was making my weekly batch of granola bars and I had several people ask for both recipes. First I would like to say that both were recipes from other individuals that I took and tweeked to my own personal taste, so I cannot take the credit. But both are some of my favorite things. So, here it goes.

Crockpot Lasagna
Brown in a skillet:
1 pound lean ground beef
1 pound italian sausage
Diced onion-I buy the frozen chopped onion and use about 1/4 cup, use more or less to your taste
Salt and pepper-to taste

1 box of lasagna noodles-though I typically do not use the whole box. I boil them until they are soft, but not completely cooked b/c they will cook additionally in the crock pot. I salt the water and also put 1 garlic clove in the water as well to flavor the pasta while cooking.

Then in a mixing bowl I combine 1 large jar of traditional pasta (I use Prego) sauce with 1 small jar of pizza sauce (anything I can find).

After all of these items are either mixed or cooked accordingly, I layer in a large crockpot as follows:
-thin layer of sauce
-layer of noodles
-topped with layer of meat mixture
-a thin layer of cottage cheese
-sprinkle of Parmesan cheese
-mozzarella cheese (I used shredded, and I use a lot!)
-repeat noodles etc.

I end with noodles, sauce and Parmesan and mozz chese. Cook 4-6 hours on low. This can be prepared in advance and just cooked when needed. I often make it the night before b/c my crockpot has an insert that the lid fits on and then I just sit the insert into the crockpot when I am ready to cook it. One thing about this lasagna is that it's not a pretty served lasagna! What I mean is that you cannot serve in in a perfectly cut piece! When it's done cooking, I have to cut into it with a big serrated knife and then spoon it out. It may not look good, but it sure does taste good! And the best part is that you can change this up to add your favorite lasagna ingredients like spinach or even eggplant.
Then on to the chewy granola bars. I found a recipe on allrecipes.com that I tried and we all loved them, but I added a few things. So, here is what I use:
Preheat oven to 325 degrees, prepare a jelly roll pan with cooking spray (I use my Pampered Chef stoneware bar pan, so I skip this step).
Cream together:
2/3 cup unsalted butter, softened
1/3 brown sugar, packed
Then stir in:
4 1/2 cups whole grain rolled oats

1 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup honey
1/4 cup molasses
1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon
2 cups of your favorite ingredients: I use 1 bag of miniature semisweet chocolate chips, alongwith 1/2 cup of slivered almonds and often toasted coconut. Mini M&M's would be a good addition, or even PB chips or raisins.
Also, when I have it on hand, I add some wheat germ or milled flax seed.

Press into prepared pan and bake for 20-22 minutes. The longer they cook, the crunchier they are. So, if you like them chewy, bake for 20 and for crunchy 22! Hint: if you cook in stoneware, it will continue to cook one you remove it from the oven from the heat of the stone.
Cool completely and then cut into bars. We cut into 24 bars. We then put them into snack size baggies that we reuse each week. Everyone in my house loves these. I know they are healthier than what we buy at the store b/c of preservatives. I have yet to figure what the cost is, but I am sure it's cheaper. Regardless, the kids and I usually bake these together and so it's a good time each weekend!

Now I am hungry! Good day everyone.
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Facing disappointment

What do you do when you are disappointed? Deeply disappointed because an opportunity that presented itself, never came to fruition. It's a sad day when something you have dreamed about and prayed about for so long comes to pass and you do everything you can to make it real, and yet, it isn't. It goes away just as quickly as it came and you are left wondering...WHY!? Why Lord? Why not?! Why not me, why not now?
Well, in our lives of trials and tribulations, highs and lows, I have come to realize that the obstacles placed in our path are simply there to make us stronger and to give us more faith and trust that God will see us through. That He has a plan for us. One that is true and perfect and yes, in His timing. So, today, as I have learned that something we, as a family, had hoped and prayed for a very long time, is not going to happen right now, I have chosen to take a different approach. Instead of asking God why this didn't happen, I am going to ask Him "what now". Instead of dwelling on the missed opportunity and wondering "what if God had allowed this amazing opportunity to happen for us" I am going to thank Him for being with us and I am going to look forward to the opporunity that will come our way when He thinks us so deserving. Because...it will be amazing...because it's His plan, not ours. I think of two of my favorite verses:
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. ~Matthew 6:33
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6

Category: 1 comments

The little things...home renovation!

Okay all, so call me crazy, but I love it when we accomplish a new home renovation project. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy! You see, when we bought our house in November of 2009, we knew that we would not be truly "at home" until we did some updates. The home itself was in perfectly sound, structural condition, but was truly outdated. Seriously...1970 everywhere. Wallpaper, mint green carpet, gold fixtures, paneling, you name it, our house had/has it! So, we bought the house, then went shopping at good ole Menards and bought all the supplies to make the renovations/updates, and almost a year and a half later, we are not even half way through these updates. We just do not have the time to get them all finished. We start something, and then we run in to an unexpected problem and it ends up taking more time and money then we expected! Truly our life story! Just ask Adam! Nothing ever goes as planned!
Anyway, anyone who knows me knows that I am a tad bit OCD about orgazination and cleanliness so, having so many unfinished projects literally causes me physical stress! Still having all my decorations in boxes, causes me stress, having half of my garage filled to the brim with supplies for renovation...causes me stress! So, you get the picture! But, with each little task completed, I am so thrilled! And, this weekend, that was my kitchen flooring! When we moved in, we had 1970's linoleum that was coming up in some of the seams and just really old and dated looking. It was the faux brick looking stuff (I know...you are so jealous!) and it was just so dark in my already small and dark, square kitchen (that has 1 real brick wall!).
Over Christmas break, when everyone was actually healthy, we ripped up the linoleum. Which proved to be no easy task as it was sersiously super glued! We couldn't even get the paper backing off the floor! We tried to wet it and everything! Oh, and the linoleum was really, like 1/2" thick! It was awful! But, for a month, all we had was sub-flooring with stuck on wallpaper backing! Not pretty, and definitely not easy to clean! So, I was so sick of it...literally, sick!
So, on Saturday when Tylers basketball was cancelled, we decided to start! I wish I had taken a picture of the ugly linoleum, but I didn't, so this is the floor before:
And on Saturday, we decided to do half of the floor so we could walk on the other side of the kitchen until the other side dried. You see, we walk through our kitchen to go down through basement to garage. And, we have 4 children and so not using our entire kitchen for 24hours was really NOT an option. So, here's after an hour of tile work on Saturday:
And, then on Sunday, we did 2 more rows and needed more glue and tile and so, we took a break and ran up to Avon for the supplies and grabbed lunch on the way, half of us in our pj's mind you! And then decided I wanted a dark grout b/c this is in the kitchen where spills/stains are likely! So, after lunch, Menards, and 3 potty breaks later (Griffin at 2 is potty training!) and we made it home just as Adam had to get ready for work. So, I decided to finish the room by myself. This was our 3rd room of tile and I had laid it and grouted it, but never actually CUT the tile! So, a quick lesson from Adam and I was good to go! So, my Superbowl Sunday was spent home, tiling alone, with no husband and all 4 kids (again, I know you are jealous!) So, ta da!!!! Here is the finished product, minus grout that Adam is hopefully doing today! Then tomorrow, we can put our fridge back and lay down trim and we are good to move on to the next item for the kitchen-redoing cabinets, counters and installing a few items: pot rack, range hood and micro shelf! Cannot wait to be done! But super excited that the floor is down!

Category: 2 comments


     Ice storm 2011! Wow, what a dosie! Well, we survived! Monday night I stopped by Kroger after work at about 3pm and the only thing they were out of were parking spaces and bananas! Someone on Facebook said it best when they said that it was like Black Friday at the stores! Total craziness! Really, really crowded and everyone was in a state of panic. We got everything we could together at the house in case of a power outage. Sadly, Adam worked Monday and Tuesday nights which left me at home with all the kids greatful to have power at night! The sounds from outside were super creepy though. I kept going to the window to look out as I heard limbs falling and transformers popping! Thankfully, Adam made it home safely each night.
     We lost power Tuesday at 4am and was without for nearly 6 hours. Then lost it again Wednesday morning around 10 am and went all day without it. We only got down to 62 degrees and did not every light the fireplace! Then, power came back on around 4:30pm! Yay, thanks Duke lineman! We quickly cooked dinner just in case it went out again.
     We don't have any tree's down, just a few limbs. The worst thing I can say is the kids are going stir crazy! I was able to deal with the no power thing just fine, but the bored children were another story. At least if it were snow, I could have sent them outside to play in it! And, it's not like they could have friends over because hello...we had no power and we were under a Level 1 Emergency so travel was restricted to emergency personnel only!
     So, no school for 4 days for the kids and no work for me for 2 days. Which means, Greencastle will probably have to go on Presidents day and now another week tacked on at the end of the school year. Which won't apply to us as we are planning a vacation the first week of June. Sorry school, it's already been scheduled!
Nothing else really exciting happening! Adam and Tyler are going to the Pacer's game tonight with the Greencastle Youth Basketball League! Tomorrow, we are hoping to FINALLY tile the kitchen floor. I am so sick of looking at the sub floor! I will try to blog about it...before and after! Little by little we are getting things done. At some point, the house updates will be finished and organized, and this will make me one happy homeowner!
     So, I will leave you with this:
LOL! :) Happy Friday everyone! Enjoy the weekend, enjoy your families....enjoy Life!
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Friendship....how goes it?

Okay, so why is it that as adults, or families, we (when I say we, I mean me!) no longer seek new friendships? We no longer really take that plunge in enlarging our friend circle and just stay in our own little bubble or comfort zone? Maybe it's just me? Maybe this is the way that everyone works? So, that's my question to you, do you look for new friendships often?
It's not that we, our family, do not have friends, we do, wonderful friends, but I wouldn't say that we are terribly close to very many...seriously, less than a handful. I am not sure if it's because we have such a large family, or maybe because our children are still fairly young, or maybe it's that our schedules are awful??? Or...it could be that we would rather have family gatherings at home then to go out without kids usually ? We have such little family time, that when we do, we want to spend it together. Don't get me wrong, we like the occasional date night (such as Friday night, thanks again sis!) but, generally speaking, we spend our time together...
Growing up, you cannot have enough friends. You are constantly looking for more people to run in your circle. When a new kids comes to school, you immediately approach them to see what they are like to see if they may be a good fit. But, as an adult, maybe we just do not do this. Do we not have time? Fear of rejection? I just don't know why?
Recently, we've become acquainted with a family that, because of our children, we have formed a new friendship. This family took the initiative and I am very happy they did. It made me realize how important it is to put yourself out there and reach out to new people. Don't get me wrong, we have some great friendships that are longtime friends who we love and adore like family, but it is also nice to meet new people and share new interests, or...sometimes old interests that you have forgotten about. So, it's just made me wonder why we don't put ourselves out there more? I would like to put an effort forth of doing this more in the future. Just sort of reaching out to people I feel may have some things in common with our family.
So, that's my tangent I guess for now. On another note, I am terribly missing my husband tonight. I know people probably think I am crazy that after 13 years together, I miss him after just a few hours of separation, but I do! Since he went to ISP, he has always had Sunday's off. This new schedule has of course changed that. So, while he had his first Friday off in years, he now will go a few weeks without having a weekend day off. This is the family time. The time I am off from work and the kids are off from school and Sunday's have always been our day...guaranteed family time.
It wasn't until after lunch that I realized he worked tonight, and then I was so disappointed! :( The kids were confused because daddy is always home on Sundays! It's sort of hard to explain to young kids that schedules change without us having a choice in the matter. Double :(.
So, Adam, the wonderful husband he is, upon leaving for work, totally unbeknownst to me, left his t-shirt that he had on today, smelling like him (his cologne really) on my pillow for me! He knows how much I love the smell of his cologne on him and so after he went to work he text me that he left me something, and I found it! So sweet (shh...don't tell him I told you!) Now, as I sit here typing after this long day of taxes, cleaning, laundry, meals, qt with family, 2 workouts, running Adam dinner and then showering, I sit here in my husband's t-shirt (that's way too big for me) smelling like him and it makes me both happy and sad simultaneously! You know how a certain smell reminds you of something, well this cologne is ADAM for me. He's worn it since I met him and so, it makes me think of him immediately, and of course, right now, I miss him.
I still continue to pray that the Lords plan works fast for us! So frustrating to be patient sometimes isn't it! It's so hard to hear Adam and the kids ask "when is it our time for change"? The kids and I were talking on our trip back home from delivering dinner to Adam at the post... just about praying for Adam and this job opportunity that has presented itself...they continue to ask if he's heard anything and I just always reply "no, but we are still praying". So, being completely used to this response Tyler asks me tonight "what if God doesn't want daddy to switch positions or shifts"! :( Sad when your 11 year old brings this to light! So I said, "well, we then pray that God helps us to better cope with his current situation because ultimately it's about His plan and he knows whats best for us", so that's how I end my night. Praying for God's direction.
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Okay, so I know I have posted a lot lately about Adam and his job, but with the shooting of Officer Moore last weekend, my mind is even more filled with not only love, but worry, for my policman husband. My morning always starts out at work at grabbing the morning Indy Star paper. This week, the headlines have all been about Officer Moore, and against my better judgement, I cannot help but read everything. I say that because, reading about this terrible instance, makes me only worry that it may one day involve my husband. I know, I know, worry is not of God, but of Satan trying to weaken us. But for the life of me, I cannot stop worrying.
A friend of mine, and former officer, posted a video on Facebook this morning with a title of "Policmen" and a picture of a squad car. Intrigued, I of course played it. And, a familiar voice started narrating the story behind policemen (and women). Paul Harvey, a voice I used to listen to every Sunday morning while getting ready for church, narrated this short video that I think everyone should watch.
In the Indy Star yesterday, there was a story regarding why we are seeing so many violent acts lately against police officers. I think they said that in all of 2010, there were 62 deaths of officers on duty due to violence and so far in 2011 we are already up to 15! 15 in one month! They say they think it's because hatred towards police have grown across the US! Let me say that again...hatred towards police officers! Though, the story did not elaborate as to why that would be?! HATE, POLICE?! I just don't understand....

Don't get me wrong, I know that there are dirty cops. Cops who should have never been graced with a badge, gun and power. Cops that give the really good guys a very bad name. But, generally speaking, policemen are the GOOD GUYS! Don't get mad at them because they call you out on your problems! You know, the ones that mean you are breaking the law! Don't bad mouth them and hate them because of something YOU did! They are just doing their job! They are keeping you, and the rest of us, SAFE! 
It just irritates me so much. So many people dislike cops with a passion....that is, until they need them for something! Until the police do something wonderful for them, you know, something life changing! Until they save a life of someone they love, often risking their own life in the process! There are not many people out there who go to work on a daily basis knowing that in that workday/night, they quite possibly will be put into a situation where they will risk their life for a complete stranger! Policmen, firemen, soldiers...they all do this! They do it for all of us! And people HATE them? What is wrong with this picture!?
Well, that's my vent for the day. All I know is that I am happy that today and tomorrow, my policeman husband will be safe at home with us. He has his first Friday off in like 5 years! Cause for celebration! But, when he returns to work on Sunday, my worry will return, as will my constant prayers for my husband and all of those who serve us. Lord keep them safely in your arms and let them all return home to their families! Thank you to all the men and women who walk that "thin, blue line!"
This is the video (thanks for sharing Mike):
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Prayers to the Moore family....

As I read the local headlines this morning, I can't help but feel grief for the family of the IMPD officer David Moore. I didn't know him, and do not know anyone who did, but I know that his family is mourning a great loss today. It's hard to lose someone you love, but harder when they are so young and it's such tragic circumstances. The whole town has come together for this family and even in this situation, it warms my heart to see that union.
As the wife of a police officer, stories like this always draw my attention. It gets my attention and usually worries me. I worry not for just my husband, but for all of the officers I know. You see, these officers are trained to be safe and do all that they can to come home at night, but sometimes, all the training in the world does not help because they are paired with an insane individual whose sole mission is to harm them.
I know that when it's your time, there is nothing you can do about it. That it's all in the Lords timing as to when he calls you home. Adam reminds me of this often. I truly know this in my head, but it's sometimes hard to know this in my heart.
I have to admit that I find myself often wishing that Adam had a different career. That he wasn't doing this type of work...that he was doing something much safer and less stressful. But, it is what it is. So, this day, I pray for all policemen/women, especially my policeman, and for the family of David Moore.

Oh almighty god, whose great power and wisdom embraces

the universe,

Watch over all policeman everywhere. Protect them from harm in the performance

of their duty to stop crime,

robbery and violence.

We pray, you help them keep our streets and

home safe, day and night. We recommend them to your loving care because their duty is dangerous.

Give them strength and courage. Protect these brave men. Grant them your almighty protection.

Unite them safely with their families

after duty has ended.

Author Unknown

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Voicemail Usage

Okay, so by now you know that I am the wife of a state trooper, and that I worry all the time! So, here's the scoop. Adam started his new schedule yesterday and I was already worrying about him going to 9.5 hour days and getting even less sleep then he already does. I worry because he was already so very tired, each and every day from working 8.5 hour days, getting home late and then getting up early with the 2 kids that are still home and taking care of the during the day, only to go back to work the next night and do it all over again. :( I was trying to figure out a way to enable him to go in an hour earlier so he could get home at the same time he was already, but it just would not work out. There is a 30 minute gap between the time that I get off work and the time he would need to go in. And, in that 30 minute window, 2 of the kids need picked up at 2 different schools, so, as you can see, it just won't work out.

So, worrying about these issues set aside....after Tyler's basketball practice, I got home and realized that Adam had called while I was driving. He didn't leave a voicemail, so I returned his call and...oh dread, I get his voicemail. Which immediately alarms me, making me think that something is wrong. I knew he was headed out to the interstate on an accident and so, I think...oh no! You see, Adam rarely calls me. Usually he sends a text if he needs to contact me somehow, so for him to call, I think it's important. But, here's the frustrating thing, he does not leave a message to let me know what he needs!

So...I spend the next 2 and a half hours, calling him and texting him to see if he's okay. I get nowhere! So, my anxiety just continues to escalate. I was exhausted from not sleeping well Sunday night, and despite being so tired, I could not go to sleep because I was worried about Adam. So, finally he answers his phone and just from hearing his big voice saying "hello" I felt instant relief, because this meant he was okay. So...I find out that he was at the post the whole time doing paperwork and his phone was in the car and that's why he was not answering. And...the only reason he called earlier was to ask how Tyler's practice was! SO, all the worrying for nothing! I scolded him and ask that in the future, if he's going to call, please just leave a message so that I do not worry! Of course, he doesn't get why I was so worried! Ugh, men! So...todays lesson, if you are going to take the time to place a phone call to someone, and you allow voicemail to pick up...leave a message so they don't wonder why you called!

On another note. I have to give mad props to my parents. They are a wonderful support system to us. The kids are so close to them and they are always there when we need them, in some way or another. I am very fortunate, to be close to them physically and emotionally. I don't know what we would do with them! I hope that we can work it out that they can go on vacation with us, because they deserve it!

And...on to me now. I have been working out every single day for a month now. I've never been a diet person, because we eat pretty well anyway, but I have been really watching my diet as well. I have to say, I feel really good, but the scale does not reflect any changes....which I must admit...is discouraging. I have always said, I don't care what my weight is as long as I feel and look good, weight is just a number! But, now, I am rethinking this! After working so hard, I kind of want my weight to reflect this! So, I guess, I just need to work harder! Why is it that numbers are so important to us anyway: our bank account balance, our credit score, our weight? Isn't who we are more important than what we are? A life lesson I am still working on apparently.
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