Want to know what I was up to the last two days? This!
A day (or two) of fashion anyone! Well, I just had my fill! I received a call from my hairstylist last week wondering if I could help her team out! They were looking for someone to do makeup for the Procter&Gamble team at the Fall 2011 Fashion Focus show in Indy at the Convention Center. My first response was "are you crazy!" But after thinking about it (and getting Monday off from DPU from my awesome boss's!) I thought..."why the heck not!" Opportunities like this don't come around often so I said "let's do it!". :) And then....the nerves set in! >8-(

For those of you who know me, know just how much I love hair, makeup and fashion! So, going to this was going to be 2 full days in makeup and hair paradise (even if it meant waking up at 3:30am and driving through terrible construction traffic!). So, I loaded up my suitcase (yes, a full suitcase!) of makeup and went! I met some great people, got some great products (a free Nioxin scalp therapy treatment on stage!) and had an all around wonderful experience. I got to do some great makeup that I wouldn't usually have the opportunity to do (not your everyday looks, thanks to Omar Antonio from Sebastian for wanting some crazy looks!). If I could make a living at it, I would totally do this full time! Maybe I should quit the business school and go to beauty school! LOL! I would save a ton of money from paying for haircuts for a family of 6!

There was a photographer there for the first day and I can't wait to see some of the pictures.

That's it for now, just wanted to share a bit about my experience!
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