Okay so it's been a bit. We have been busy with wrapping up the school years and getting ready for summer. I am officially done at DPU this week after Alumni Reunion Weekend, then off to Real Estate (hoping to drum up some summer business) for the summer. Still going strong at IWU, though sometimes I wonder if it's even worth it?? But, I do think I am setting a good example for my children.
Tyler's had a rough season in baseball (for many reasons), the girls are knee deep in softball (Savannah's a natural and Addison is...well, a bit uniterested, but she's only 4!). I to am attempting to play softball after about 10 years, not sure that was a bright idea. Trying to get back into exercising but my shin splints are still hanging around...
We are trying to get the projects on the house going so that we can have somewhat of a relaxing summer. They all seem like minor jobs, but still somehow finding the time to start/finish them seems impossible.
We camped for the first time this summer and I am not yet regretting the decision to not buy a camper this yet. It just didn't make sense. We have had a lot of big purchases in the last 6 months and so another one seemed unreasonable. Plus, we do have summer projects to complete ( a MUST) on the house to get it where we want it and so we aren't sure how much time we'll have for camping. And then there is the question of storage in the off months.
Today is Tyler's 11th birthday and I am amazed and proud of the little man. Eventhough, his main goal in life right now is to torture his sisters, he really is a very mature 11 year old. He goes into the middle school next year which, I have to admit, scares me!
Adam and I had an amazing first vacation a month ago, and then we came home and it feels like everything went back to stress and disorder. What to you do when your in a bad economy and you have a job that pays the bills but that job, causes so much stress on you and your family that it's almost unbearable? Yes, be thankful you have a job, but there has to be a happy medium right? God wouldn't want you to be in a job that wreaks havoc on your family. 10 years of nights has really gotten to all of us. The kids just do not understand that daddy has to work to provide for us and sadly that he has to work nights. I'll never get used to the sad faces and teary eyes of my children when daddy misses something special to them, like a birthday, or 5th grade graduation, or the first real hit in softball. :(
We have been a bit lax in our spiritual life and have visited a few churches and found one we liked and attended there for a good long while, only to not be sure that's the place God intends us to be, so we are praying for that direction. We miss now having a church home.
Well, this is long and I must go ice my leg!
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So, Adam and I returned from our first vacation together in our 12 years and I have to say, it was amazing. I have pictures up on Facebok, so hop over there to see! We left last Thursday to celebrate 6 days 5 nights in Cancun, Riviera Maya, Mexico at the Sun Palace couples resort there. We had such an amazing time. Thanks to my parents for keeping the kids! I know they are exhausted, but I am sure they loved every minute of it!
We relaxed by the pool much of the time there, as the beach was closed everyday due to high winds! But, the pools were all super nice. We enjoyed plenty of food. We had 50 minute holistic massages, zip lined 1100 feet above the Jungle floor and then ATV'd for an hour through the Jungle as well (surprisingly, my fav part of the entire trip)!
We sailed in the crystal waters on a pirate ship, Columbus, and ate a romantic lobster dinner!
We saw a great Michael Jackson show, witnessed some fun games and even saw the makings of a beach wedding. We met people from all over the world. Found ourselves in some awkward situations (we were hit on by 2 separate couples, Adam was offered to buy drugs in the market, had an odd experience with the maid and had an elderly woman basically try to perform a strip tease in front of him). But, the good far outweighed the bad.
We witnessed a wonderful amount of hospitality from the good people of Mexico and were humbled by their generosity. We were amongst a very diverse group of ethnicity as well as faiths, but everyone was just so friendly.
This trip was much needed and well overdue and we were so blessed by it. We know that we will return there again. We came back even happier then when we left, and have an amazing tan.
We relaxed by the pool much of the time there, as the beach was closed everyday due to high winds! But, the pools were all super nice. We enjoyed plenty of food. We had 50 minute holistic massages, zip lined 1100 feet above the Jungle floor and then ATV'd for an hour through the Jungle as well (surprisingly, my fav part of the entire trip)!
We sailed in the crystal waters on a pirate ship, Columbus, and ate a romantic lobster dinner!
We saw a great Michael Jackson show, witnessed some fun games and even saw the makings of a beach wedding. We met people from all over the world. Found ourselves in some awkward situations (we were hit on by 2 separate couples, Adam was offered to buy drugs in the market, had an odd experience with the maid and had an elderly woman basically try to perform a strip tease in front of him). But, the good far outweighed the bad.
We witnessed a wonderful amount of hospitality from the good people of Mexico and were humbled by their generosity. We were amongst a very diverse group of ethnicity as well as faiths, but everyone was just so friendly.
This trip was much needed and well overdue and we were so blessed by it. We know that we will return there again. We came back even happier then when we left, and have an amazing tan.
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Less than 24 hours away from landing in Mexico and yesterday my stomach started hurting! Nerves. Not nerves that something will happen while gone, but nerves about separation from my children. I have never been away from them this long and especially not with Adam to where we are both away! Now, don't get me wrong...they are in the best, capable hands possible! If I am not there, who better than my mom! But, I just worry that they will miss us and cry, or have trouble sleeping! Yes, I know, they will be spoiled rotten and may not even realize our absence, but I am still a mother and I still am nervous.
Definitely thinking that our first trip away, maybe shouldn't have been so far away?! I am sure all will be fine, but just in case, I have set up both the laptop at home, and the laptop we are taking to video chat with the kids. Not sure if it will make it better or worse. The older kids will understand it, I just worry about Griffin. About how he will react to be able to see us, but not touch us?
In the end, we are just so protective of our kids and do everything will them, that I hope I can relax and enjoy the time with just Adam! We've never been able to do this before...just be US!
Not to mention we are missing baseball games and softball practices! Whew, I think I am gonna owe my mom and dad big!
So...here's to praying that we have safe (on-time) travels, good weather (here and there) and that everyone has a wonderful time (us and the kids)!
Definitely thinking that our first trip away, maybe shouldn't have been so far away?! I am sure all will be fine, but just in case, I have set up both the laptop at home, and the laptop we are taking to video chat with the kids. Not sure if it will make it better or worse. The older kids will understand it, I just worry about Griffin. About how he will react to be able to see us, but not touch us?
In the end, we are just so protective of our kids and do everything will them, that I hope I can relax and enjoy the time with just Adam! We've never been able to do this before...just be US!
Not to mention we are missing baseball games and softball practices! Whew, I think I am gonna owe my mom and dad big!
So...here's to praying that we have safe (on-time) travels, good weather (here and there) and that everyone has a wonderful time (us and the kids)!
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This Monday morning, I am finding myself wondering how now, as an adult, weekends seem much shorter then they did when I was younger? It just doesn't seem fair. Even though Adam had saturday and sunday off this weekend, we had so much to do that the days just flew by. Savannah had cheer camp on Friday, we were on a mad hunt for a black baseball belt here in town (which no one had, but thanks to a friend, we were able to borrow one!) Then saturday we had opening day of baseball (thankfully the rain held out) then cheer performance at the Relay for Life, then back home. I headed out to shop for the last few things we needed for vacation (found some great deals)! Had a blast with Kristy, but think that we scared 2 ladies at Kohls who, I am certain, thought we were on something because of our little giggle fest! Sunday we had to grocery shop for everything that the kids will need while we are gone, and then start packing! That did it, I started getting so nervous! I have never left my kids like this! Yes, I know they are in great hands (thanks mom and dad!) but just nervous! Adam too is getting nervous as he is so protective of our children. Then he called me this morning all worried that the beach will be closed due to last weeks oil rig explosion that is contaminating the Gulf (hopefully not).
So...now I am trying to get all the last things done so I can enjoy the next 3 days with the kids before we embark on our anniversary trip to Mexico. Praying for safe travels, good weather, an enjoyable time for us and that the kids do well without us. I feel so blessed to be able to take this trip and don't want to ruin it with worries, but, I think it's probably the motherly instict we are given...
So...now I am trying to get all the last things done so I can enjoy the next 3 days with the kids before we embark on our anniversary trip to Mexico. Praying for safe travels, good weather, an enjoyable time for us and that the kids do well without us. I feel so blessed to be able to take this trip and don't want to ruin it with worries, but, I think it's probably the motherly instict we are given...
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So many people I know blog and I have decided that it may be a great way to allow people some insight to our normal daily life. Yes, I facebook often, but that's just me, this will be about my family and our daily life and experiences. I think that by reflecting daily (ok, so maybe not daily) but often, will help me to appreciate my family even more! We are so blessed and I want to remember not to take anything for granted!